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Mar 21, 2019

Keeping your vehicle well-maintained helps to keep your overall repair and maintenance costs to a minimum over the years. The importance of changing your air filter is often overlooked, and the crew here at Taylor’s Automax wants to help you learn how to tell when you need a new one. Here are five signs that your vehicle needs a new air filter.

Reduced Fuel Economyclean air filter and dirty air filter

The most obvious sign that your air filter needs to be changed is a change in your fuel economy. When your air filter is clogged, your engine has to compensate for the lack of oxygen it is receiving, which results in lower gas mileage.

This change in fuel economy isn’t always noticeable immediately, but over time you will notice that you have to gas up your car more often. If you see this happening, it is time to check your air filter and replace it if necessary.

Air Filter Looks Dirty

The baseline recommendation for changing your air filter is between ten and fifteen thousand miles. A clean air filter is white, or sometimes off-white, in color. Sometimes dirt and debris are already accumulating before the filter becomes visibly dirty. Once you can see the gunk, it is time for a new air filter.

Check Engine Light Is On

Most modern car engines filter through 10,000 gallons of air per 1 gallon of fuel. When the air supply is inadequate due to a clogged air filter, carbon deposits are formed. This, in turn, can cause the Check Engine Light to come on. While there are many other reasons that the light can come on, this one is an easy fix.

Engine Starts to Make Odd Noises

Ideally, when you are in a stopped motion with your car running, there should be no excessive noise. You should only be able to feel a smooth sensation of the car’s engine. If you start to hear what is called coughing, or if you hear popping noises, then it could be from a dirty air filter. The reason this happens is that a clogged air filter can damage a spark plug, causing it to make noise.

Difficulty Starting Your Car

A dirty air filter could also make it more difficult to start your car. When the filter is dirty, the air is unable to get through to the engine, which affects the emission control system of the car. Again, this can cause damage to the spark plugs which causes them to be unable to spark correctly. If you notice your vehicle is having difficulty turning over or just not starting at all, it could be as easy as changing out your air filter.

We hope that this was helpful and you keep these five tips in mind when maintaining your car. Visit Taylor’s Automax today, and we can help you keep the service of your vehicle up-to-date. A simple exchange of your air filter is usually relatively inexpensive and can make a world of difference when it comes to the performance of your car.

Image by Ryan Gsell via CC BY 2.0